英國Princes公司推出鮪魚利樂包 英國Princes為滿足廣大喜好健康點心的消費者,推出切成方塊的利樂包(Tetra Pak cartons)Princes Tuna Bite,並有海洋、向日葵油與日曬番茄乾等三種風味可供選擇的最新鮪魚產品。行銷手法是仿照去年類似好吃點心在英國成長8%裝潢的成功模式,期望增加新產品的使用期限與重量能帶動罐裝類水產品熱銷。輕巧與方正的包裝易於存放櫥櫃與攜帶;不像罐頭,開封後還能冷藏保鮮數日。 據Princes表示,在英國家庭有超過67%的鮪魚被當成部分主餐食用;此新產品也可與焗烤、沙拉與三明治搭配使用。長灘島一包375公克的Princes Tuna Bite利樂包零售價為2.85美元。依據AC Nielsen市調報告,有超過72%的英國家庭購買Princes牌產品,其零售價格較去年同期成長19%。Princes在今年4月年度食品雜貨供應商選拔會中榮登年度最佳罐頭品牌供應商。Princes水產品罐頭的強勁成售屋網長也是Princes順利擠身英國百大食品雜貨聯盟中成長速度第二名品牌的重要功臣。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 19/2009)~~~~~~~~~~~UK: To meet growing consumer demand for healthy snacks, Princes UK has launched a new tuna product calledPrinces 代償Tuna Bites-cubes of tuna in Tetra Pak cartons. The products are available in three choices: tuna bites inbrine, sunflower oil and with sundried tomato. The launch follows the success of similar products and issupported by the continued 土地買賣growth of savoury snacks sales, which rose 8% in the UK last year. The new productis designed to drive the growth in the canned fish category by expanding usage and increasing weight of product.The lightweight, square shaped packs are easy 濾桶to store in the kitchen cupboard and carry home from thesupermarket. Unlike cans, once opened, the cartons can also be kept in the fridge for a few days.According to the company, more than 67% of tuna is eaten at home as part of a main 酒店兼職meal in the UK. Theproduct can also be used in pasta bakes, salads and sandwiches. Princes Tuna Bites are available in 375g TetraPak cartons with recommended retail price at £1.79/pack (US$2.85/pack). According to AC Nielsen report, 房屋貸款over72% of UK households buy the Princes brand, which has seen year-on-year sales growth of 19% at retail sellingprice. Princes was voted branded canned goods supplier of the year in April as part of The Grocer’s annualsupplier survey. 酒店工作Strong growth in Princes canned fish also saw the Princes become UK’s second fastest growingbrand in The Grocer’s 100 Biggest Brands league.

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